
the role of conducting and supervising a business. Glossary of Business Terms
The people who administer a company, create policies, and provide the support necessary to implement the owners' business objectives. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary

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management man‧age‧ment [ˈmænɪdʒmənt] noun [uncountable]
1. HUMAN RESOURCES the activity or skill of directing and controlling the work of a company or organization, or part of it:

• In banking as in every other business, good management is essential.

• She blames the industry's difficulties on bad management.

• He spent 14 years with IBM in sales, marketing and general management.

• He hasn't been on the job long enough to establish his own distinct management style (= way of managing ) .

faˈcilities ˌmanagement HUMAN RESOURCES
the activity of looking after a company's equipment, buildings etc or organizing particular processes:

• a 10-year facilities management contract covering all of the company's data processing and system management needs

ˌhuman reˈsource ˌmanagement abbreviation HRM HUMAN RESOURCES
the work of employing, training, and helping the people who work in an organization:

• The human resource management policies of Japanese firms created well-trained workforces committed to the company's aims.

ˈknowledge ˌmanagement abbreviation KM HUMAN RESOURCES
when a company makes available to its employees the information they need:

• The bank will invest in a knowledge management system, using an intranet to share information in the organisation.

ˈline ˌmanagement HUMAN RESOURCES
the direct management of workers in a company:

• Her only experience in line management at Kodak was as general manager of the instant photography unit.

parˌticipative ˈmanagement HUMAN RESOURCES
a style of management where employees take part in management decisions:

• Participative management is preferred: nearly 60% of companies said improving employee participation is a priority.

ˌquality ˈmanagement also ˌtotal ˌquality ˈmanagement abbreviation TQM HUMAN RESOURCES
the management of systems in a company to make sure that each department produces or does things of high quality and keeps improving:

• We need to look at improving our quality management systems.

2. JOBS the people who are in charge of a particular company or organization at different levels, rather than ordinary employees:

• Management is finding ways to cut costs and improve revenue.

• The entire management team will be restructured.

• The management are blaming workers for the decision.

• Should marketing management be involved in specifying detailed advertising copy?

ˌhigh-level ˈmanagement JOBS
another name for top management:

• Mr Huston's appointment as president is the latest in a series of high-level management changes at the chain.

ˌjunior ˈmanagement JOBS
managers at the lowest level:

• In a large organisation, many of the tasks of junior management are routine and boring.

ˌmiddle ˈmanagement JOBS
managers between senior management and junior management:

• Eliminating a layer of middle management, will move the decision-making process closer to the customer.

ˌsenior ˈmanagement JOBS
the most important managers in an organization:

• The company reorganized its senior management to help focus responsibility for operations.

ˌtop ˈmanagement also ˌtop-level ˈmanagement JOBS
the person or people in charge of an organization:

• It announced several top-level management changes, including the retirement of the president.

3. the activity of controlling and dealing with something:

• the management of resources, including fish stocks and oil

ˈasset ˌmanagement FINANCE
1. the managing of money for investment so that it makes as much profit as possible, for a financial institution or for another person or organization:

• US Trust Corp. specializes in asset management and private banking.

2. the managing of a company's property so that it is used in a way that makes as much profit as possible:

• As part of its plan to increase its ability to manage properties, Citicorp has already opened new asset management offices.

ˈbrand ˌmanagement MARKETING
the way in which a company tries to control its brands and the way people think about them:

• Brand management is nothing more than trying to influence people into thinking that a product suits their lifestyle.

ˈcash ˌmanagement
1. ACCOUNTING the activity of managing the amounts of cash that are paid to and paid out by a company:

• There has been improved efficiency with more strict cash management practices.

2. BANKING the managing by a bank of its customers' money in a way that makes as much profit for them as possible:

• a cash management account for individual investors

ˈcategory ˌmanagement MARKETING
the process of working together to collect information about what customers want in order to increase sales of a product:

• Improved category management can have a significant effect on revenue growth for retailers and manufacturers.

ˈchange ˌmanagement HUMAN RESOURCES
the process of organizing and introducing new methods of working in a business or other organization
comˈplaints ˌmanagement COMMERCE
the process of analysing and dealing with complaints from customers:

• A good complaints management system is an important requirement for successful businesses when managing and understanding the needs of their customers.

ˈcrisis ˌmanagement HUMAN RESOURCES
the skill or process of dealing with an unusually difficult or dangerous situation:

• He is terrific at crisis management, but he is no good when it comes to running a settled organization.

ˈdatabase ˌmanagement COMPUTING
the way an organization manages the information held on its computers:

• a software program used to link database management systems to the company's desktop publishing package

ˌdigital ˈrights ˌmanagement also ˌdigital reˈstrictions ˌmanagement abbreviation DRM
COMPUTING equipment, code S, or actions that are designed to prevent people from illegally copying software or things such as records or films from the Internet
eˈvent ˌmanagement
1. the organizing of large events such as conferences and concerts
2. MARKETING the organizing of a special event as part of a programme of marketing activities
inforˈmation ˌmanagement COMPUTING
the collecting, storing, and communicating of information:

• Training in database design and information management is provided.

inˈvestment ˌmanagement FINANCE
another name for asset management:

• The bank will now have all its investment management activities under one executive.

ˈmoney ˌmanagement FINANCE
another name for cash management or asset management
portˈfolio ˌmanagement FINANCE
the managing of a group of different types of investments, paying attention to the risk and profits of each in relation to the rest
ˌproduct ˈlife cycle ˌmanagement abbreviation PLM MARKETING
the management of the work needed to get the most profit from a product during the time when it is being sold:

• The traditional approach to product life cycle management has failed many companies.

ˈproperty ˌmanagement also ˈreal estate ˌmanagement PROPERTY
the managing of property such as land and buildings as investments so that they produce as much profit as possible
ˈrisk ˌmanagement
1. INSURANCE the managing of the risks related to a company's activities in a way that limits possible financial losses, for example by obtaining the best types of insurance for the risks involved:

• Talk to our risk management department about your company's current management of illnesses and accidents.

2. FINANCE the managing of investments in ways that produce as much profit as possible while limiting the danger of losses
ˈstock conˌtrol ˌmanagement
MANUFACTURING the process of making sure that supplies of materials, goods being produced, and finished goods are managed correctly
supˈply chain ˌmanagement abbreviation SCM
MANUFACTURING the planning and control of all the processes involved in producing, selling, and delivering a product:

• supply chain management solutions

ˈtime ˌmanagement HUMAN RESOURCES
the activity or skill of controlling the way you spend your time in order to work as effectively as possible:

• I was sent on a time management course.

ˈtreasury ˌmanagement FINANCE
another name for cash management:

• Companies should review treasury management to seek lower borrowing costs.

ˈturnaround ˌmanagement also turnround management
the process of making a company that is failing more successful, by changing and improving the way it operates:

• Our turnaround management experts can devise and execute a plan.

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management UK US /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ noun
[U] MANAGEMENT, WORKPLACE the activity or job of being in charge of a company, organization, department, or team of employees: »

Environmental concerns are being integrated more and more into business management.


He leaves the day-to-day management of the company to his daughter.


corporate/centralized/strategic management

management style/technique/strategy »

A top-down management style can make decision-making slow and inflexible.

management framework/structure »

We shall be implementing a new management structure in order to deal with the changed sales environment.

good/bad/poor management »

Good management and creative advertising have seen profit margins double to 19%.

[S or U] MANAGEMENT, WORKPLACE the group of people who control a company or organization: »

An extraordinary general meeting has been called to try to force the company's management to reconsider the financial restructuring proposals.


Management is projecting earnings growth of at least 20% a year for the next three to five years.


Changes within society have further emphasized the idea of collaboration between management and employees.


Our management team prides itself on taking calculated, prudent risks.


The CEO will learn today whether he is to be sacked as part of a management shake-up.

[U] the activity of controlling something, or of using or dealing with something in a way that is effective: »

The management of our funds is entrusted to skilled professionals.


The choice and management of resources are essential to the success of any company.


They offered all their employees a course on stress management.

See also ASSET MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑asset management), ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑assets under management), BRAND MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑brand management), CASH MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑cash management), CATEGORY MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑category management), CHANGE MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑change management), COMPLAINTS MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑complaints management), CRISIS MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑crisis management), CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑customer management), CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑customer relationship management), DATABASE MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑database management), DEBT MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑debt management), DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑digital rights management), DISASTER MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑disaster management), EVENT MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑event management), FACILITIES MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑facilities management), FLEET MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑fleet management), HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑human resource management), INFORMATION MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑information management), INTERIM MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑interim management), INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑international management), INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑investment management), ISSUES MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑issues management), JUNIOR MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑junior management), KEY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑key account management), KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑knowledge management), LINE MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑line management), MARKETING RESOURCE MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑marketing resource management), MIDDLE MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑middle management), MONEY MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑money management), OPEN BOOK MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑open book management), OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑operations management), ORDER MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑order management), PARTICIPATIVE MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑participative management), PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑performance management), PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑portfolio management), PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑product life cycle management), PRODUCT MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑product management), PROJECT MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑project management), PROPERTY MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑property management), QUALITY MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑quality management), REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑real estate management), RETAIL MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑retail management), RISK MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑risk management), SENIOR MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑senior management), STOCK CONTROL MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑stock control management), STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑strategic human resource management), SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑supply chain management), SUPPLY CHAIN EVENT MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑supply chain event management), TIME MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑time management), TOP MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑top management), TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑total quality management), TREASURY MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑treasury management), TURNAROUND MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑turnaround management), WEALTH MANAGEMENT(Cf. ↑wealth management)

Financial and business terms. 2012.

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